How to create YouTube Video Gallery using YouTube Showcase WordPress Plugin
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How to use Analytics component to create powerful custom reports
Software Issue Manager Enterprise comes with very powerful Analytics component. Analytics component can be used to make calculations to find out ke...
WP Ticket Enterprise helps you relate support tickets to each other
Customers tend to create duplicate or dependent support tickets. Dependent tickets are the ones where a ticket resolution is dependent on another t...
Support Agent specific dashboards to track performance and workload
WP Ticket provides support agent specific dashboard in agent pages. The charts are drawn based on the tickets assigned to an agent and offers insig...
Ticket and Agent summary pages to find information faster
WP Ticket provides stacked and datagrid summary pages for tickets to help support team as well as customers to find what is important and relevant ...
A powerful and easy to use central location for all your employee information
Employee Directory Pro WordPress Plugin provides a central location for all your employee information. It is very easy to create and update informa...
Powerful tagcloud to search employees with a few clicks
Employee Directory Pro WordPress Plugin provides powerful tagcloud search by Locations, Departments, Employment Types or Groups. Users simply click...
Expand the scope of Employee Directory roles with a few clicks
Employee Directory Pro WordPress Plugin allows expansion of the scope of the built-in employee and employee manager roles from the plugin settings ...
Expand what your employees can do with a few clicks
Employee Spotlight Pro WordPress Plugin allows expansion of built-in employee and employee manager roles from the plugin settings. For example, you...

How to use Analytics component to create powerful custom reports

WP Ticket Enterprise helps you relate support tickets to each other

Support Agent specific dashboards to track performance and workload

Ticket and Agent summary pages to find information faster

A powerful and easy to use central location for all your employee information

Powerful tagcloud to search employees with a few clicks

Expand the scope of Employee Directory roles with a few clicks

Expand what your employees can do with a few clicks